Resume scoring made easy for all businesses.

We help you find the best candidates for your business. Our AI-powered resume scoring system will help you find the best candidates for your business.

Everything you need to find amazing applicants.

Set up a weighted scoring system based on the skills you're looking for.

Tired of sorting through a million different resumes?

ResumeGPT is a tool that helps you sort through resumes and find the best candidates for your job.

Multiple Job Postings

You can handle as many job postings as you want.

Easily create or hide job postings. You can also edit them at any time.

Job Requirements

You can set the requirements and weight for each job posting and we'll automatically score each applicant.

You can also set the minimum score required to be considered for the job.

Ideal Candidates

You can define the ideal candidate for each job posting and with any resume, we'll find them for you.

Want to find more candidates? Just lower the score.

Get started today

Our plan is very flexible and you can choose the plan that suits you best.

See pricing

Loved by many recruiters worldwide

Here's what some of our customers have to say about ResumeGPT.

    • ResumeGPT has made it very easy to find the right candidates for our company. We used to have to read through hundreds of resumes and now we just read the top 10.

      Robert Shirley
      Software Engineer
    • ResumeGPT has made it very easy to find the right candidates for our company. We used to have to read through hundreds of resumes and now we just read the top 10.

      James Shirley
      Software Engineer

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

    • Is GPT software safe?

      Absolutely, GPT Software does not pose inherent safety risks related to malware, data breach, or other traditional software safety concerns. It does not have the ability to execute software, transmit viruses, or access personal data unless explicitly given such information during a conversation.

    • What if I go over my monthly limit?

      After you reach your monthly limit, you will be unable to parse new resumes until the next month. You will still have access to all of your data. You can upgrade your plan at any time to avoid this.

    • What if I want to cancel my subscription?

      You can cancel your subscription at any time. Go to your account page and click on the “Cancel Subscription” button. You will still have access to your data until the end of your billing period.

    • How do I know if ResumeGPT is right for me?

      Feel free to try out the free plan to see if it works for you.

    • I have a question that isn’t answered here, how can I contact you?

      You can email us at

    • Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan at any time?

      Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. If you upgrade, you will be charged a prorated amount for the remainder of the month. If you downgrade, you will be charged the new amount on your next billing cycle.

    • Can I use ResumeGPT for free?

      Yes, you can use ResumeGPT for free with limited features.

    • Can I use this to create a resume?

      We have a separate product for that. Check out ResumeBuilderGPT

    • Can I integrate this with my recruiting software?

      Not yet, but we are working on it. Stay tuned!